Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Saturday, February 28, 2015

New Spring Design

Well, I redesigned some stuff. there's a new background on this blog, because it's almost March and Autumn is long over.I don;t know why this screen capture looks so dark on the blog because it didn't look at dark when I took it.
I'll probably need to redo the banner graphic.... again....

But, I redid my Twitter page also:

At the moment I'm publishing this blog my Twitter Profile @BlackUniGryphon is still public, however at any time now, due to some shifting circumstances, which I cannot divulge, I may need to temporarily set it to private for a period of time.
I've been on alert, and yes I've been on alert before for something, and it's actually very good news for me on my end, but its so liquid that it keeps shifting, changing, and delaying, much to my frustration.

Should this event occur, my blogs will all still remain public, I still plan on blogging, and my Pyrate Cosplay Character's Twitter page will still remain public, but my facebook pages might need to be either dismantled, deleted, temporarily, or perhaps permanently disabled which will depend upon the legal circumstances. My e-mails from pre-event might also be abandoned or deleted post-event... possibly.

I can't really predict the full nature, breadth, nor restrictions I may, or may not be under. But, it will all be very good. I've worked very long, hard, and diligently so I'm more than ready for the entire ordeal & situations to be over and to move onto the next phases of my life. I fully expect it to be life-changing but also it has been impressed upon me JUST how much responsibilities and ethical pressures and burdens I will be required to take on. But, I take on these burdens willingly, because it's not just for me, because I philosophically couldn't live with myself if it was only for my own selfish whims. Even tho' I've been given the heads up (again) to be on alert, I still understand that delays can still occur... which is the story of my life for about half a decade now.

This blog is one I definitely expect to be still using, in fact I plan on the continuation of blogging for the rest of my life.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Well, well, well..... Today is seriously my lucky day! And, in fact, despite the screwy things that have occurred this month, I think I'm seriously coming out smelling like chocolate covered edible roses!

At the start of this month, sometime around the 2nd week, my Instagram started blowing up! Like: Whoah! I'd been posting and sharing the same stuff I'd been posting before.... but, out of nowhere, I started getting more likes... then, it became full on conversations, and interactions with people. Mind you, most folks on Instagram tend to be younger than I am. As hopeless as much of the trends, in many of my situations were going, not just "the news", I just felt like I needed an "out", an escape, an outlet... something. ANYTHING! And, since I was getting so much attention and interaction, despite Instagram glitching, I just went with the flow of it...

-and, I was sharing quite a bit of my Bohemian/Boho-chic stuff... and I have QUITE A LOT OF IT. I also found out I was a Gypset or Gypsetter, my whole life, and didn't even know it...

So, after interacting with some many other Bohemians, New Agers, Boho-stylers, Mori Girls, and loads of Gypsetters, and getting positive feed-back, I started to contemplate making Boho/Gypset blog... and after since whenever I mentioned it, and people agreed with the idea, that's how this blog started...

Well, when I first started my blog, recently since about last year Google/Adsense made this policy about how you couldn't generate any revenue on ads until about a 6 month period. They did this to me before with my music blog last year... and, I wasn't happy about it at all.

So, I blogged about it... also, I typed up several blog entries, and scheduled them to be on hold until I could get the revenue green light in half a year from now....since that took the wind out of my sails, I went onto my most popular blog, my Pirate Wench Cosplay blog... and, it dawned on me that I could expand my monetizational prospects.... so, I hunkered down, and went to work! My first attempt just got put on hold... but, it still BURNED PASSIONATELY inside of me. And, I let my fingers do the walking, and kept going until I found my way to all kinds of affiliate prospects!

Then, OMG! I realized JUST HOW MUCH Google/Adsense had been jipping me!!!!

If I went direct to the affiliates & sponsors, I eliminated the middle man (Google) and started rebuilding and reprogramming my Pirate blog, then I took it over here to THIS BLOG...

And, lo & behold, Google just RANDOMLY approves me to Google Adsense!

Oh, I guess u guys wanted a chunk o' this after all, huh?

Well, guess what!


And, like Hammer:
I am gonna Turn This Mutha Out!

Stay cozy, classy and comfortable in vintage sweaters & cardigans! All free shipping!Stay cool, chic and classy in RoseGal tops! All free shipping!

Shore Projects
Lane Bryant