Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Other New England Winter Content & Pokémon Go AR+ GoSnapshot


Generally, this blog is for my Boho Chic, Gypset, Nemophilist, Wanderlust, Raver stuff, and other similar content... But, included in my WANDERLUSTING is my love for Playing Pokémon Go

This is THE MAIN reason why I no longer suffer from depression. I'm completely cured. I haven't suffered from Depression even once since the end of 2018 when I went back to playing the game. 

So, I did create some videos for the LoFi Music Niche, but so far they're in the 10 min range for my Brand Channel "Oppressed By Violet

I am hoping to release extended long play versions of these videos by 2022 also, as well as the ASMR & Relaxation Content on "Oppressed By Purple" the OTHER Brand Channel. 

Augmented Reality & LoFi Chill Out Music:

The Short Form Versions of Content on my ASMR & Relaxing Music & Ambient Audio Channel:

I am hoping to expand these channels, and the content. I'm hoping to break into this niche market, but not actually driven by money. I'm AN ARTIST, and I would like my content to find viewers that appreciate this style or relaxation content. I've been struggling to find enough views & viewers, but I have better internet now. 

I plan on cutting long form versions of my videos, and probably hosting more live streams.

Winter ASMR Relaxation Video Brand


The Playlist of the older shorter Videos on my Brand Channel:


The 1 Hour Version I Just Finished Last Night:

The 3 Hour Version:

The Reasons Why this is TAKING SO LONG:

 Pesky Hackers:

I'd actually been working on this concept since 2016, and was wanting to shift this direction since 2019, but My computer was hacked very badly at the end of October-Early November of 2019 that I had NO COMPUTER until August of 2020, so WAY BEFORE people took the pandemic seriously.

I did actually shoot a lot of footage in 2018-2019, then started shooting at the end of 2020 & early 2021. I also got a gift from my brother, and was also working on a project with him


My so-called Broadband Internet in my section of South Weymouth (Massachusetts, 02190) is rigged. They're been promising us access to FIOS since 2002, but the specific spot we happen to have our neighborhood in is rigged by Verizon & Comcast, so even if u switch to Comcast, u STILL need to go through the monopoly of Verizon. 

Meanwhile, Down the street at Starbucks, Wholefoods, or in the other direction in South Field/Union Point, they have EXTREMELY FAST INTERNET. Or across the street from my neighborhood, they're laying in NEW INTERNET for the so-called "LUXURY" apartments. 

The NEW T-Mobile Wireless Internet

I literally had better internet when G.W. Bush was president in 2005. Meanwhile, the internet NOW is worse than that, so we finally got a Wireless internet from T-Mobile, and the call to Verizon had the dude on the phone stuttering.  


New Electrical System Installed Into Building

Not only did we have several Power-outs since September, especially in October due to storms, so, before we got the new internet, our building needed a new electrical system installed since ours was from the 1960s-ish. The date on this got pushed back from August to September, then it kept getting pushed back further & further, October, November, then December... It also was an awful experience. 

So, that had to be done BEFORE we got the new internet, and ALL the furniture was moved several times, and we're STILL re-ranging everything. We also had Thanksgiving Holidays, all sorts of shopping stuff we had to do, and medical stuff. And, I'm also a Pokemon freak, and Pokemon EVERYTHING was frequently happening simultaneously. And I'm somewhat popular now on Twitter in the Pokemon fandom, as well as locally in Pokemon Go, including on Discord. It's a BIG DEAL in new England to play Pokemon Go. I also got most of the new PokeStops & PokeGyms in the area. I'm a major contributor. 


So, it's not as fast as UMASS Boston, but I WILL TAKE IT!!!!

I can upload LONG videos now.

I've put quite a lot of effort into this content starting YEARS AGO. I was shooting the B-Roll Footage as part of this concept, as well as another TV Show that did actually air 2 episodes of in 2019 that I work on with my friend Roland. I actually LOST most of this footage tho. 

I shot footage of all kinds of snow, nature, interior decor, and many other subjects. Typical B-Roll stuff. 

Before, when I started this channel in August 2020, I only could upload UP TO 10 MIN of video length. Then, sometime this year (2021) YouTube allowed me to upload longer content. So, I stopped doing 10 min cuts, and just allowed them to go to whatever full length I wanted. But my internet was so slow, and so poor, that anything long than 15-20 could clog up the internet for a whole day just to upload, AND if it timed out, or crashed, u had to START ALL OVER!  If you think THAT'S BAD, just trying to upload a SINGLE PHOTOGRAPH to Flickr or 500PX was MADDENING. 

But, now I can upload videos, and also get back into streaming like I did in 2018. 

Since Lockdown, I got a new WACOM CINTIQ, and I also got to use a variety of new software including stuff by Escape Motions. I've been using Rebelle 3, and I ALSMOT got Rebelle 4 on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but they teased out Rebelle 5, and Rebelle 4 isn't even 1 year old yet, n I JUST GOT Rebelle 3 last year on Black Friday 2020, so when Rebelle 4 dropped quickly after and I saw how GOOD IT WAS, I was mad. 

Anyways, I've been using Rebelle 3 to make the Chinese Stamps & Paper Labels. I'm wanting to get Rebelle 5 probably, or 4. I saw the cool stuff that 4 does.

I've also been obsessed off & on with Chinese Chengyu and Chinese Idioms. Including making new ones, or fake ones. Some people insist that only ancient Chenyu are real Chengyu, but businesses use the Chengyu format to make slogans, and brands, and titles of stories or movies... and, those same people still consider those as Chengyu, even tho they are not ancient. An actual Chinese Chengyu consists of 4 words only to convey a larger idea. It's also a type of poetry & language arts. I often meddle with it in both modern Simplified Chinese, and old Traditional Chinese text. I'm not an expert in it, but I am at a level with my Chinese that I can comprehend that there's something there. But, when I was in my teens or 20s it was way over my head. I also like to re-work old well-known Chengyu, and switch the words around. I also think it's funny or humorous at times.

Both as an artist & philosopher, its given me a lot to ponder & consider. There's other kinds of similar

idioms language arts poetry that Chengyu came from, including a type of ancient Chinese formal language. (古文 gǔwén "ancient text", or 文言 wényán "text speak", 文言文 wényánwén "text speak text") Sometimes it's referred to a "Classical Chinese" but there's many things these things are called, and it gets lost when trying to explain it in English. Also, even in Chinese they call it different things, view it differently from person to person, and its also not always appreciated for the high minded & sophisticated intelligence the ancient peoples utilized to create these. 

Some of this ancient language may have been created to separate people in different classes on society, and could ONLY be understood if one was educated to. Also, some people were so intelligent that they COULD ACTUALLY SPEAK in this manner, not just in writing. But, over the centuries, it became integrated into culture through music & dramas like operas, songs, and popular poetry. So, most people could eventually understand it. 

Chengyu are THE MOST interesting since they use ONLY 4 words.

But this style of language arts is ALSO used for Chinese names. In Mainland China today, people have a "MingZi" as their legal name (but in Ancient times, there were many other types of names) so, they use this method for the names. 

My Chinese name also uses this style by putting 3 characters together: 任思麒

So, for my brand channels "Oppressed By Violet", and "Oppressed By Purple" I used different ways of creating this type of language arts. 

For "Oppressed By Purple" I wrote the Chinese Seal/Stamp as a Chengyu, but for "Oppressed By Violet" I used this style but in 9 Characters instead of a Changyu. They both literally say the exact same thing, and it took me hours to figure it out this summer. 

The entire ordeal is itself a major puzzle. If you've ever heard of an ancient Chinese Poet, Li Bai, his work is often mind blowing to me, especially when I look at the words written out. He actually was so smart & clever that he could write poetry while drunk. When you look at the words you can also see how he placed the words together, and some of his poems in Mandarin that don't rhyme can actually Rhyme in Cantonese. My daughter could actually receipt some of his poems when she was a child. 

I also quite enjoy always returning to Dao De Jing by Laozi (Tao Te Ching by Laozu). It's a personal favorite, since I am a philosopher and an artist. What I like most about this book is the methods applied to THINKING, like if something isn't working out, problem solving, or also to explain why everything has gone wrong. Alan Watts often commented on this text himself, and is a favorite topic of Zen masters (Zen is also known as Chan). 

The funny thing about all the setbacks was that I actually handled everything rather well. All the computer crashes, and computer hackers, and stalkers. I never suffered from any of the problems other people had during Lockdown/Quarantine. I actually benefited a lot from it, and even the setbacks tempered me, my resolve, my patience, and I never suffered from the stressed or depression other did. 

Many of my dreams & ambitions actually DID COME TRUE. I got a lot of PokeStops & PokeGyms into my community, whereas in 2019 there was only about 4 PokeGyms, ans some sparce PokeStops here & there. 

I got my WACOM CINTIQ the EXACT SIZE that I wanted. I got a Nintendo Switch, that I wanted this year. I also got THE LENS I'd ALWAYS WANTED. We also updated parts of our home, like redoing the bathroom, expanding the garden in my so-called balcony on the 1st floor, and we got better foods & nutrition. Not only did we get a new Fishtank, but we got 2!!! AND, we even got a CAT!!!! 

I also have multiple screens on my computer!

All the bullies that were a pesky problem either made peace with me, or went away. People that had abused me badly when I was young actually came out of the woodwork & apologized. I also even reconnected with OLD FRIENDS. Also made some NEW FRIENDS and we do Pokemon Go Raid Hour every week! 

 Hopes & Dreams For The Future

 I am hoping that all of my work on this stuff pays off, meaning I would like for it to find an audience. It's my hope that I could grow a following for this content. I've spent SO MANY HOURS shooting video content for this Brand Channel Concept, and I would like for it to get the views it deserves. Before COVID there weren't that many channels doing this kind of stuff in the ASMR niche, but its exploded since then. I was frustrated that my shorter videos were just NOT CUTTING IT, so I'm hoping to break into that market.... altho' I'm NOT actually interested in making money. Just sharing this type of content, and I would like the VIEWS to MATCH the appreciation level of the popular videos that don't even have good quality to them. 

I'm HOPING that by next years, the longer videos will have the views in the thousands because I WORKED SO HARD ON THIS STUFF. I know that people enjoy this kind of ASMR Relaxation content, so I would HOPE they would eventually find their eyeballs & ears upon mine.

 I'm hoping to re-work the winter videos some more, and put out some longer ones; perhaps even  some live streams.

If you'd like to see my Recent Photography you can find it on my 500PX Gallery.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Inside My IKEA Lantern Exploring with a new AKASO EK7000 Action Camera Camcorder

 I wasn't sure what I wanted for Christmas, and mostly I got nothing on that day, aside from a vaporizer, and some candy. But, my little brother sent me some cash which I held onto, and eventually my Aunt also sent me some stuff, including cash... Honestly I REALLY wanted to buy TOON BOOM HARMONY's software but I was $100 short to get a permanent license.

Since I'm a DP/DoP (Director of Photography) on an independent film now, cameras are even more so my life than ever. I had NO IDEA that I would end up in this position, and I'm always still learning as a filmmaker.

So, I really wanted a GoPro "Action Camera", because my father also wants to take my daughter & I to Ft. Lauderdale FL in March. But, those are  easily $400 a pop. Luckily, I know how to hold out and shop for deals on Amazon in Jan-Feb, and 3-day weekend national holidays (USA). That's how I buy nearly EVERYTHING I've ever invested in for camera equipment since 2010.

Action cameras are tiny camcorders, that also shoot stills. You can take them underwater, wear them, commit espionage (tee-hee), etc... So, I found a really comparable that in some ways was a bit better than an actual GoPro on Amazon: The AKASO EK7000 which shoots in 4K, but also can shoot 1080 at high speed up to 120 FPS! It has various exposures and ranges as well.

Inside my LANTERN:

I recommend most people DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME.

The timing on this was CRUCIAL!!!

A flaming candle is VERY HOT, and the camera is made of PLASTIC which can melt.

I literally only had less than 2 min to shoot this, and if it weren't a deep freeze WINTER, I would NEVER had attempted this.

First I tested to see if I could set the camera inside,
I set up the wireless configuration to my iPhone,
Took a test shot,
Lit the candle,
shot the video of myself closing the lantern door,
stopped recording, quickly switched to photo mode,
shot the stills,
abruptly opend & blew out the candles,
Then removed the battery to allow camera to cool down....

There's a SLIGHT mark where the flame JUST started to become a full sized candle flame, and began to melt it....

Action cameras DO CLAIM to handle extreme weather... but NOT FIRE.

Candles take a little while for the flame to become full sized and are usually small at first.

Again, I it were summer I would have NEVER DONE THIS. 

Actually, I don't think I will EVER do this again... but, I did get the shots...

Friday, February 12, 2016

Boho Chic Decor Lanterns and Candles in New England Blizzard DSLR

 Boho Chic Decor Lanterns and Candles in New England Blizzard DSLR

 The smaller lanterns look like Moroccan lanterns but are made in India which I bought at Marshall's. The other lantern is from Pier 1 Imports.

I shot these last month in January during the first New England blizzard this year.

Space NK UKForever 21 Global

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Crazy New England Snow!

At the moment, I'm up here in the frigged North Eastern Coast of the USA, in New England. I'm in the South Shore area of Greater Boston in South Weymouth. I certainly DO NOT plan to be here forever. Screw that!

It is so friggin' cold, and this year it's supposed to be an El Niño year, so we were expecting more warm pockets of air for winter... and yes we did get some, but the planets ability to self regulate can also trigger extreme colds instead in an attempt to self-cool or compensate for the average temperatures rising of the entire globe over the longer periods.

In 2012, it was incredibly warm here in winter, and even 2011 wasn't very snowy, but this extreme cold winter trend has been going on for a while. You just can;t predict it anymore because the situation is so unstable and unbalanced that crazy weather like this happens. Even the Boston weather men now admit their computer models can't predict with certainty on these blizzards anymore.

These photos were take on Friday last week, and already the snow is much higher, and is still coming. It's very cold, and due to my asthma, I cannot go outside.

My daughter is on vacation from school right now, and last week the weather was so bad she couldn't go to school, and it was closed. The highways were closed in some places, and the public transportation is still down in some places.

it's such a deep freeze that I could only go outside for about 20 seconds to take these pictures. I had to wrap up my head to keep the body heat on me, and I probably shouldn't have gone out in my slippers.

I will probably be blogging some of my photography of the snow on my photography blog.