Monday, March 2, 2015

Photo Fail: This is Why Drinking and Photography Don't Mix

You know how drinking and driving is bad? Yeah, drinking and art'ing is bad too.

I like to drink, but not when I'm doing anything serious, like photography, or art, or need my scruples. I do not understand how so many idiots think that alcohol, or drugs, makes them an artist, because I'm an artist, and I do it sober. When I'm not sober, junk like this happens.

I was enjoying a bottle of some really great wine, a few years ago, and there was a rain for weeks, when randomly the sun just came out. So, I rushed to get my makeup, my camera equipment, and got dressed, and when I was done, these were my frames.

Total crud!

It's not the same as when ur at a party, wedding, out with friends etc... because I generally use a cheaper camera for that, and who cares if they stink? Right?

When I've shot at weddings, I try to avoid drinking, for a while, and accumulate my drinks until everyone is all liquored up. By the end, even if you are lit with alcohol you can still have some sloppy shots whether ur lit or not. It's also better to have a team of people with you, if ur at a wedding.

SO, now you get to see how ghastly & horrific I made myself look. This is probably THE WORST makeup I have EVER DONE. And, I look high... I wasn't, it was just some strong wine.... I think it might've been a Greek one.

You live, you learn.... so, DON'T DO THIS!

The Purple Bikini My Friend Lindsay Knitted

At the time, I couldn't knit... but my friend Lindsay was really into it. She made this for me. She's a sweetie. I wanted to go to her wedding REALLY BAD last year, but I couldn't. I felt so awful, and I cried when I wrote a message to her husband whom was a long time friend of mind since collage 1999.

I keep having a perpetual delay in a significant amount of fund which have been due me since 2011, and are tied up in international situations tied into finance, and government(s), as well as the new implementations of new financial laws, it's also not one specific thing, but plural. For legal reasons I can't disclose the details, and it would take a long time, because it's both complex, and also got complicated. So, several times I was already told about deadlines, and knew of several parties/individuals whom were already (for lack of a better word) paid theirs, so to speak/write. So, it's been an intense pressure cooker of a life for the past few years... so, I was hoping that I'd have all of the stuff sorted out in time to go to my friends' wedding... but, I couldn't... I'm not usually a wedding person... but, I ACTUALLY wanted to go to THAT one.

The bottom part is sort of wonky, and chafes... but, I did use it a lot when all my bikinis broke, or wore out, and I have used it as just a top.

The neck strap isn't the strongest, because I am large busted D cups... but, I can always manage to fix it back up.

Forever 21 Global BV