Showing posts with label mori girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mori girl. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Sakura Boho Chic Mori Girl Gypset in New England [Blue] 001

Here's a set I did a few years ago. I was incredibly sick in these, and also had surgery on my sinus, and my throat having my tonsils removed due to chronic infections.

I had a deviated septum in my sinuses, and I lost most of my sense of smell for weeks, then some sections of my sense of smell range ended. But, I have it all back now, and NO I DO NOT USE COCAINE, NOR HAVE I EVER.

 I think the deviated septum happened after my daughter was born and I got rear-ended by a car and pushed into 3 other cars, which caused the airbag to open. I had nasal pain really bad for months, and my nose is still ever so slightly crooked.

Anyways, Almost everything I'm wearing in this set was from JCPenny which was my ex-job.

the silver Tribal earrings were from JCP, so is the Boho Chic cardigan, the cow-neck blue top, and the infinity scarf.

Origins Three Part Harmony for renewal, repair and radianceThe earrings were a gift from my baby brother whom live in NJ w/his family.

The silver tribal beads were from my step mother, Libby.

And this eye shadow makeup is from the NAKED3 palette by Urban Decay which is one of my favorite brands EVER!

This set was INCREDIBLY COLD, and my eyes watered in the shot from the wind stinging my eyes. I was also so impoverished, and so malnourished that my hair thinned.

I've been trying to recover much of the thinned hair since this time period. I've gotten it a little better, but still thin in the front.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sakura No Makeup Mori Girl 2012

Fitness Republic Corp.These, IMHO, really aren't the greatest photos of me ever, but a number of folks think that are good, and tell me so. "Good" is not the word I would ever use.

Florence Scovel JewelryFor several years since my late 20s I would get seveer sinus, lungs, bronchial, inner ears, and lung infections in winter due to small tonsils, and deviated septum in my sinuses, (I also have asthma) and by the time I was in my 30s I just couldn't heal very well, plus add on poverty and poor nutrition with stress and pressure, plus depression or anxiety.

I was sick when I shot these. It was sometime around the time just before the year I had major surgery... I already forget most of that time.. its a jumble in my head/memory...

It was strapped for time when I shot these. As per typical New England weather i.e. erratic it was supposed to rain this day, and also supposed to be cold, but as I walked to the grocery store ( and probably Starbucks too) carrying my umbrella, I started to sweat. I thought: That's strange... By the time I was walking back home, which wasn't very long, the clouds began breaking up, and the sun came out.

So, I rushed home quickly to get my camera.

I shot all sorts of photos of the sakura/cherry blossoms which were next door to my neighborhood, back when the fence desintagrated and neighbors could freely visit each others' neighborhood happily n unrestricted...

the sky still looked terrible, and I thought at any moment I'd miss my shots, like always... But, the sun pretty much stayed on me the entire time, for the most part... so, I started shooting myself, wishing I'd put my makeup on, and regretting NOT doing it... But, then I had to go because I had some conferences to sit in on, and a number of phone interviews...

Fitness Republic Corp.

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